Blindsighted – A book review

The novel was written by Karin Slaughter and was published in the USA in 2001. It belongs to the genres thriller and crime. The story starts with the county‘s pediatrician and coroner Sara Linton meeting her sister at a diner for lunch . On her way to the toilet she finds Prof. Sibyl Adams, a blind chemist at the Grant Institute of Technology, dying on a toilet seat in the ladies’ room from a frightful series of wounds. Once Sara gets Sibyl Adams on the postmortem table, the ghoulish revelations just keep on coming. And her death is only the beginning. The death also further involves the dead chemist's sister, a police officer and the chief of police, Sara Linton‘s ex-husband John Tolliver.
The book graphically depicts all the gruesome parts of the murder and the rape. It is a thriller where a serial killer is on the search for his prey and the police is almost clueless. A fight against time and a psychological instable killer.

“Blindsighted“ is Karin Slaughters debut novel and the first novel of the Grant County series (1/6), which is set in the fictional town of Heartsdale, Georgia, (in the fictional Grant County) .It is told of the three main characters The novel was translated in 27 languages and made it onto the crime writers associations shortlist.

One of the main things I like about the novel is that it is easy to follow the plot and its insight into police and the work carried out by the coroner. A point I like but it could make some people uncomfortable is its gruesome depiction of all the details. The open ending and the fact that there will be another sequel leaves a good feeling. I would recommend the book only to hardcore thriller and crime readers because even I had to digest some of the more graphically depicted parts.

Tim Milu



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